In a recent episode of “Saturday Night Live,” the sketch comedy show poked fun at the ongoing political campaign season with Kamala Harris portrayed by Maya Rudolph and former President Donald Trump played by James Austin Johnson. The episode featured a parody of Harris being interviewed by Fox News anchor Bret Baier, played by Alec Baldwin, where she joked about reaching out to younger voters on TikTok. Trump, on the other hand, was depicted as trying to convince voters that America is both great and terrible at the same time.
Harris criticized Trump for leaving supporters stranded after his rally in California, and mocked him for dancing at a town hall event. The show also featured Dana Carvey playing Joe Biden, with Harris joking that she would be a better president than “Juh-Biden.” The episode included guest host Michael Keaton and musical guest Billie Eilish.
The skit highlighted the absurdity of the current political climate, with humorous takes on the actions of both candidates. Overall, the episode continued “Saturday Night Live’s” tradition of using comedy to comment on real-life events and poke fun at political figures.
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