Actor Wayne Brady stars in a reality series called “Wayne Brady: The Family Remix,” which features his blended family that includes his ex-wife, Mandie Taketa, their daughter Maile, Taketa’s partner Jason, and their adopted son Sundance. The show delves into the dynamics of their tight-knit family, culminating in Brady’s public coming out as pansexual.
Brady and Taketa’s relationship first gained attention during the pandemic when they performed TikTok dances together. Despite some skepticism, they believe in the importance of choosing family and love. The show aims to showcase their multiracial family staying together through unconditional love.
Brady’s journey to coming out publicly was influenced by his daughter Maile, who helped him understand the nuances of his sexuality. He had struggled with this for years and was eventually inspired to share his true self with the world both to honor his late grandmother and to be an example to others.
The decision to open up about his sexuality coincided with filming the reality series, but Brady felt it was necessary to be authentic and true to himself. He hopes to inspire others by sharing his story and embracing his freedom to love whomever he chooses. The unwavering support of his family played a crucial role in his decision to come out and live openly as his true self.
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